Need Child Care before or after 9am-5pm?
Stepping Stones Child Care Co-operative in Regina can help!
Let’s face it, not everyone works 9-5 Monday through Friday! Finding quality daycare in the Regina area can be a challenge for parents when work shifts don’t follow those hours. That’s why Stepping Stones Child Care Co-operative in Regina, SK was created in the first place! Of course, if you need child care during 9-5, we do that too!!

Stepping Stones Child Care in Regina provides learning and fun!
Way back in 1976 a group of parents worked together to open the first Stepping Stones Child Care Co-operative location at 1561 Elpinstone St. to provide child care for parents with irregular work hours.
We have since grown to three convenient locations, and gladly offer quality child care in Regina, SK for children 6 weeks to 12 years, with extended hours at our Elphinstone location, 5:30 am to Midnight, 7 days a week. And our 2 other conveniently located Stepping Stone Child Care Co-operative locations open early and stay open until 6pm Monday – Friday.
Your child’s safety and wellness are a top priority. All full time staff at Stepping Stones have Standard Child Care First Aid and CPR.
Your child will also benefit from the strong educational foundation of our staff.
Full time staff also have their Early Childhood Education certificate or diploma, or are currently working towards their certification.
Award Winning Child Care
We are proud Stepping Stones Child Care Co-operative received the Spirit Award! Government of Saskatchewan, “created to honour the human service Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that deliver programs and services on behalf of Community Resources and help address pressing social issues at the local community level”.
“Award recipients were selected by a group of individuals from the education, government, Aboriginal and community sectors based on their ability to make a difference in people’s lives and their demonstrated success in areas such as building inclusive families and communities, good governance, accountability and linkages with others groups.”
We sincerely appreciate this acknowledgement of our commitment to quality child care and early childhood education in our community.
For more information about any of our 3 convenient Stepping Stones Child Care Regina locations,
please stop by, call, or Contact Us online!
Stepping Stones Child Care Co-operative
Paving the Path from 6 weeks to 12 years